Remember WHAT you are.

You are a beautiful, sacred human organism — and a mote of God — nested within the Miracle we call Life. You are a part of the macro-organism we call Planet Earth.

Your body, your mind, your heart and the essence of your soul are perfectly a part of a larger pattern that is innately whole.

To remember is to return to your PLACE within that larger pattern.

Your PLACE is the very body you live in — the one your soul chose at inception to live it’s purpose as a True Human here on this planet.

This place-ness flows from you as all the fields of your relations — with your self, with your family, with your community(ies), and with the places you occupy.

REALIZE that you are a miracle of biology. The bio-physical aspect of your existence is your roots.

REALIZE that you are a location within God’s mind. This consciousness dimension of your existence is your crown.

When you are able to integrate these two as the fabric of your experience of living, you have RE-MEMBERED. Literally, you have put all the parts (all the members) back together again in what sometimes seems to be an impossible puzzle of selfhood.

It is not impossible to be whole. That wholeness is here waiting for you to allow yourself to experience it, waiting for you to surrender the veils and coverings of imposed identities, cultural expectations and capitalist paradigms of success, waiting for you to feel the organismic miracle of your place within god’s mind.

It is possible to be whole. All of the traumas — the personal and familial histories of abuse, neglect, addiction, dislocation, slavery, poverty and deception — they are welcome in the arms of wholeness. The entire Architecture of Separation, can be held here and slowly, tenderly brought home.

You are a place, a location, within god’s mind.

Be a GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD within God’s mind.

Pray to be a good neighborhood in God’s mind, a good neighborhood inside the Life Project.

When you integrate the organismic experience of yourself with the awake awareness of your own consciousness you can start to feel the essential process of your being, doing and becoming.

You are a process, unfolding constantly through time.

You are made of EXPERIENCE. You make the world through what you perceive to be possible within the parameters of your being and doing… your perception of the possible (ie the stories you tell and the way you focus your attention) shapes the unfolding of your becoming and the becoming of the world you inhabit.

As a human organism, WHAT you are is so so sacred.

You are a part of a miraculous ecology of soul, a wholeness that whispers to you to drop your stories, your identities, your armors, and COME HOME into the larger CIRCLE OF LIFE.

All that Life wants of us is to make more life.

Put LIFE at the center of your prayers and intentions.

Learn to tend every drop of time with love.

Remember WHAT you are.

Consider that what we call “Awakening,” “Ascension” or “The Birth of the New Earth” is and can be as simple as re-membering the part you play, the place you occupy, and the beauty you weave within the Fabric of Creation.

There’s only one direction to go from here, my loves.

Everyone. Comes. Home.

Oneness excludes nothing. No execeptions.

Unconditional love includes all things.

The body you’re in, the place where you live, the life that flows through you is sacred. You are special. So is EVERYONE and EVERYTHING ELSE.

The restoration of belonging starts here and now.




Samantha Sweetwater

Gaian philosopher, soul mentor, ceremonial guide & storyteller. A human doing my best to be a good member of the Earth community.