
Samantha Sweetwater
3 min readJun 25, 2021


I decree and command that this planet, our home, is holy, sacred, wholesome and free.

I decree and command that any energies, entities, programs or patterns that are anything other than life-supporting be banished from this earth.

I decree and command my innocence as a sacred, sovereign, birthright. I offer this innocence in service to wisdom, truth and Life.

I own my mind, body, time and attention. I am immune to mining.

I claim Communion. I dissolve and disabuse myself of any myths, stories or beliefs that inhibit my inter-being with all other beings and people.

I claim freedom for myself, for my communities, for all of my relations.

I claim a sacred duty to steward the wellbeing of all beings.

I declare my unity with the one human family and uphold the voices, needs and wisdom of my indigenous and people of color brothers and sisters in all nations, linguistic groups and cultural constellations around the world.

I am a space that dissolves and resolves invisibility and dominion. I am willing to be invisible or silent. I listen. I elevate and amplify voices that need to be heard.

I protect and uphold the covenant of stewardship between humanity and nature. I work to align my creativity, dreams and choices with the wellbeing and of other sentient beings and the preservation and regeneration of the environment. I am an invitation for all to remember and embody this Universal Human Purpose.

I honor the Original Indigenous Knowledge that flows through my blood. I remember my tribal ancestors and what was done to their bodies, land and life-ways. I forgive those who raped, maimed and persecuted my Original People, seeking to erase our identity and our magic. I walk in solidarity with all whose cultures, languages, homes, bodies, children and cultures have been maimed and marginalized by colonization and patriarchy. I uphold your self-determination, freedom, health, safety, sanity, wisdom, abundance, identities and magic. I will fight with you for the land, the water, the children.

I am in service to healing the un-healable. I embody the potentiality of the surcease of trauma forward and backwards in time.

I seek to enable choice.

I claim medicine as a birthright of all peoples. I declare all sacred seeds, plants, animals and molecules as open source gifts from Godaia that must be shared and cannot be patented or owned by anyone.

I claim my right to direct mystical experience, and commit to initiating others into this space. I protect and nourish the seed of AWE in all people.

My womb is a grail. I hear Her. I protect the holy grail in every woman’s body.

I am a space that offers trust to the masculine. I invite the divine father, protector, provider, steward and artist in every man to come forward.

I will not tolerate fear-based masculine control.

I cannot be corrupted or co-opted to serve anything other than beauty.

I am a space where life happens.

I am a space where love happens.

I am a space for interactions aligned with life’s perfect logic.

I am a space where water is protected.

I am a space where the commons of oceans, watersheds, air, soil, minerals, trees, vegetation, fungus and all animal species are be protected.

I am a demand for technology that serves nature and culture. I stand for the restoration of the human capacity for restraint. I am a hard boundary against violent programming. I am the surcease of manufactured addiction.

My power means nothing if not in service to the wellbeing of the whole. I have no right to power. I am powerful. I use my power as an act of love. Through this, I ground in authority.

I proclaim my vulnerability.

I am unarmored.

My love is the highest form of safety in my space.

When I say no, I mean it.

Free will honors this.

Anything out or anyone not in alignment with this decree be gone now and do not return.

I can not be corrupted.

I am #SafeSaneSacred.



Samantha Sweetwater

Gaian philosopher, soul mentor, ceremonial guide & storyteller. A human doing my best to be a good member of the Earth community.